The internal whistleblowing system of ASICentrum spol. s r.o. (the "Company") is intended for reporting infringements within the meaning of Act No. 171/2023 Coll., on Whistleblower Protection (the "Whistleblower Protection Act").
Who can be a whistleblower?
Whistleblowers may be persons who are employees of the Company, persons engaged in voluntary activities for the Company, persons engaged in a professional practice or internship for the Company, or applicants for employment or other similar activities.
The Company explicitly excludes the acceptance of reports from a person who does not perform work or other similar activities for the Company.
How to make a report?
- In writing or orally through the Company's internal whistleblowing system, which is available at the following link http://www.nntb.cz/c/jprk2xie.
- Orally on the phone line +420 234 723 094.
- In person at a meeting with the competent person (at the request of the whistleblower).
Who are the competent persons?
The persons responsible for receiving and processing reports at the Company are:
- Mgr. Barbora Diblíková; and
- Ing. Lubomír Plavec.
The competent persons can be contacted via the e-mail address:
oznameni@asicentrum.cz, and through this e-mail address it is also possible to arrange a telephone conversation with the competent persons.
Please note that the above contact e-mail address of the competent persons (nor a phone call arranged through this e-mail address) may not be used for reporting. In only serves for the purpose of a consultation or, for example, to arrange a personal meeting with the competent person (at which a report can be made).
What can be reported?
The internal reporting system can be used to report violations that:
- has the elements of a criminal offence,
- has the characteristics of a misdemeanour for which the law sets a fine amounting of minimum CZK 100,000,
- violates the Whistleblower Protection Act, or
- violates another legal regulation or a regulation of the European Union in the area referred to in the Whistleblower Protection Act.
The whistleblower should, given the circumstances and information available to them at the time of the report, have reasonable grounds to believe that the facts they are reporting are authentic and true. It is not permissible to report facts that are knowingly false; such conduct is an offence and may be sanctioned.
The whistleblower should act in the public interest and in the good faith belief that the report they are making is based on credible facts and evidence.
What should the report contain?
- Facts relevant to the report.
- The name, surname, date of birth or other information from which the identity of the whistleblower can be inferred (the report does not need to contain all these details if the identity of the whistleblower is known to the person concerned).
The whistleblower should be able to identify the area of the infringement and think about what verifiable information they can provide about the reported infringement. The extent and quality of the information provided can have a positive impact on the way the report is investigated.
In obtaining documents to substantiate the facts reported, the whistleblower should not commit an act that could constitute a criminal offence.
Can report be made in other ways (outside of the Company's internal whistleblowing system)?
As a whistleblower, you also have the option to make a report outside of the Company's internal reporting system to the Ministry of Justice: https://oznamovatel.justice.cz/chci-podat-oznameni/.